Melatonin System

Melatonin Cap restrains the number of Melatonin. Once in every 24 hours the user is restored with Melatonin equal to 100% of the Max Melatonin Cap (Melatonin Refill counts according to the user's sleep time and will be refilled 20 hours after the user starts the Sleep to Earn process). The Sleep to Earn process begins with one Sleeping Genie and 2 Melatonin Caps, which can be growth by holding more Sleeping Genies according to the following calculation:

Users holding higher Quality Sleeping Genie will have Bonus Melatonin accumulated excess Melatonin Cap:

  1. Holding an Uncommon Sleeping Genie: +1 Melatonin

  2. Holding a Rare Sleeping Genie: +2 Melatonin

  3. Holding an Epic Sleeping Genie: +3 Melatonin

  4. Holding a Legendary sleeping Genie: +4 Melatonin


1 Uncommon Sleeping Genie + 1 Common Sleeping Genie = 3 Total Melatonin (2 Base Melatonin + 1 Bonus)


2 Rare Sleeping Genie + 1 Common Sleeping Genie = 8 Total Melatonin (4 Base Melatonin + 4 Bonus)

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