Invite to earn

Invite to Earn

SleepBe gives its users an option to create a community where they can create a group of like minded people as it also helps to be more consistent in the daily activities and keep everyone motivated.

Each user has one certain Referral Code or Refcode which was auto-generated from the user name.

Users can share this Refcode to other users to acquire certain rewards.


  • There are two kinds of Refcode: 1 for User and 1 for Affiliate Program (Head to Affiliate section for more details)

  • The Refcode in this section refers to User Referral Code.


Refcode serves as a referral link to download SleepBe App. User A can copy this Refcode in Profile page to invite User B and get rewards once these conditions are met:

  1. User B installed SleepBe App through the Refcode.

  2. User B owned at least an NFT Magic Lamp/Sleeping Genie in-app.

  3. User B finished the first day of sleep.


The Reward feature will be added to the Profile page. Once the three conditions above are achieved, the Claim button will shine and User A can claim his reward.

Afterwards, rewards will be transferred directly to the Spending wallet.

Note: The reward from the Invite to Earn mechanism will change following the current Event at that time.

Credit (Under Development)

Invite to Earn mechanism will affect the user's Credit.


Last updated